I am! Thanks to my extra time at work covering the front desk today, I decided it was a good time to get caught up on the blog. It has been far too long since I have posted anything on here. I always figure my single life isn't exciting enough to blog about since I don't have cute kids to post about or anything! That's ok. I need to be better and hopefully write some exciting things. Although, I don't have kids to talk about... I would have to say there is never a dull moment. Sometimes I think my life should be a T.V. show. I've decided to focus on the random things lately that make me smile.
First. 4th graders. This semester I've had to do volunteer hours in an elementary classroom for my intro to teaching class. I have LOVED doing this. I have been going to a 4th grade class two days a week for an hour. Although I have my days when I just want to scream, it all goes away when you realize you've helped them succeed. It is also so great walking into the classroom and hearing, "Hi Miss Brooke, you look so pretty today!" what a great boost of self esteem. Love it.
Second. Sunshine! I have enjoyed this beautiful warm spring weather lately. Can't help but smile.
third. Speaking in church. Ok I know this is weird. The actual speaking part did not make me want to smile, but the process of deciding what topic to speak on and researching, did. The girl I spoke with yesterday spoke on faith, hope, and love. I spoke on patience. We both related our topics to trials. I was worried at first because they were so alike, but then I thought that Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways. Maybe there was someone in the congregation that really needed to hear it. One of my favorite quotes that I found by President Uchtdorf..."Nevertheless without patience, we cannot please God; we cannot become perfect. Indeed, patience is a purifying process that refines understanding, deepens happiness, focuses action, and offers hope for peace". One of my favorites. Hopefully I won't have to speak in church for a while now.
fourth. Sportin' a new tan. recently I have been complaining about how white I am. I have the utah winter tan going on. Since I refuse to use a tanning bed, it was quite the dilema. I was excited when my friend told me about an airbrush tanning party she was having last saturday. I was nervous I was going to turn out orange and look like an oompa loompa on sunday while giving my talk, but luckily that was not the case. Someone at church even told me how brown I looked. It made my heart smile. I just wish the tan was from a vacation, but beggers can't be choosers. :)
fifth. Unintentional ab workout. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone. But this was a little moment I had last week, the type of moment you laugh uncontrolably about. The ab workout laugh, I like to call it. My life is full of these types of moments. I seem to be quite the clumsy one. So I get home from work. Pull up to my place. Keep in mind there are always bicyclist riding around my neighborhood. And really, who looks in their mirrors before opening the car door, right? At the same moment I decided to open my door, (by the way...can't help but laugh while writing this) a bicyclist decides to turn the corner and BARELY miss hitting my door. Seriously, something you would see in a youtube video. Of course I give the quick "sorry" shrug, as he looks at me in disgust. I close my car door for fear that 1. he would come back and kill me and 2. so he couldnt see the tears rolling down my face from laughing so hard. Sorry mr. bicyclist. Glad we were both safe. And for giving me an ab workout.
I'll have to post pictures next time. Have a great day. :)
10 years ago
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